March 6, 2022

It’s Been 6 months…

 The organization that I work for has a “6 month” policy wherein if you change positions, you have to stay in that position for a full 6 months before leaving.

In September of 2021 I moved into a new position, a position that better suited my family and challenged me a little more.  It wasn’t an easy adjustment and I struggled from the start. I sought input from my previous manager, from my current manager, from friends… I whined and bitched and complained, I prayed and meditated and soaked up all the gratitude I could.  I defined my boundaries and held to them.  Through it all, I was consistently shown that it was never going to work.  A few weeks ago I finally threw my hands in the air and said, “All Done!”  I could no longer work in a toxic and unsafe culture.  I couldn’t watch other coworkers be demeaned and dismissed and couldn’t allow that for myself either.  

To be afraid of repercussions for complaining was offensive to my soul - I realize I am a privileged white woman in the USA and I admit it: and it’s also my RIGHT to work somewhere safe and somewhere that follows the organization’s guideline for basic respect.  I believe in the organization I work for - just not this particular situation.  So I started looking for a new position to move into.

I am so blessed and grateful to be able to say that in two weeks I will be out of this toxicity and into something...different.

I was torn about leaving, afraid that a new position would be just as bad - leaping from the frying pan into the fire so to speak... but as one wise person said, "well, it might be bad but at least it will be a different kind of bad! It certainly can't get worse..."  and I took that advice and ran with it.

I'm excited and anxious and nervous and uncertain - but I am mostly grateful, in light of the current economic status here in the US, that I will have a job that is, once again, considered essential to our public.  My income is stable still.  I have balance... still.