December 28, 2016

December 28; Five Months In

My desire to "save" my son from the damages done by one of his caregivers was the driving force in my decision to quit my full time benefited job and stay home with him.  It was the only choice I could see given his behaviors and how little time remained before he started Kindergarden.

It has been 5 months of challenges for both of us, and for other family members as well.  There has been so much learning and growth happening within our hearts and souls that the two of us are surely different now than we were before.  I suppose you could say that of any person after 5 months, whether they made a major life change or not - life has a way of growing and changing people regardless of their choices! - but the ways in which both G and I have had to adapt and adjust have been infinitely full of growth.

November brought a new part time position for me that took me out of the house more than I wanted during the time I was orienting/training.  The necessity of income chased me through the days and evenings I was gone.  Then suddenly there was Thanksgiving. I tried to slow our race through December but then we traveled 3000 miles to a family reunion which was an amazing time, and of course there was Christmas and Santa and now?  Now is the time to regroup, re assess, and plan for more changes.

G has responded so well to being home with me now.  He still is pretty resistant to any other person trying to correct his behaviors, to put it in a respectful tone.  In other words, he digs in his heels and lashes out at most any other person, still trying to be the boss of every situation and always on guard against being hurt by an adult.  I wonder if that is something I can ever help him navigate with more grace.  He likes to be boss with me too, but has become more willing to be my friendly, cooperative helper on a regular basis.  His trust in me is growing bigger and deeper all the time.  He was a wonderful travel companion on our flights to California; funny and cheerful and curious, as well as respectful and charming to other passengers.  Maybe that is just the nature of a 4 year old...

He has had some issues with breathing/asthma as the fall progressed, as is typical of him and I imagine we will have to deal with this long term.  That will be the least of our worries!

I know at times G feels the need to play with other children, but overall it is still a difficult time for him when he does.  His bossiness and easily overstimulated temperament can make a situation very UNfun for all of us.  I'm still trying to sort out the way to meet his needs in this as well as create successful interactions for him.

Right now we are saying goodbye to the holidays and heading in to the endless dreariness of a cold New England winter so I plan on making "successful kid-interactions" a work in progress.  There are a lot of indoor play places we can go to for "practice".

One thing I've discovered that took me by surprise, is that in "saving Griffin", I have unexpectedly saved myself.  My own heart has been healed by being home with him, and with the opportunity to spend more time with my 19 yr old daughter, and has shown me that in this change, all of our family has had the opportunity for growth and learning.  The universe continues to fill our lives with instances of hope, kindness, generosity, and love.  I am grateful, more and more, for this life.

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