August 15, 2016

Day 6

I'm not counting the weekend days, because, well, because it's my blog and I can do it however I want to.  That kind of logic is apparently the best kind of logic that actually truly works with 4 year olds.  It's all about power, and I'm having to learn to really throw mine around a little.

I anticipated that routine, time, and structure would be things that I struggled with as I entered the daily life of a SAHM.  I didn't quite realize how MUCH I would struggle, or that G would struggle too, but those things are hitting home rapidly.  In the counting of days, today is my 6th weekday in which I am not working but staying home to raise my son...but it is also the 11th day in a row that I have pretty much parented him 24/7 and we are both beginning to fray around the edges a wee bit. Its a learning process for us, and I want to be gentle with my thoughts as we navigate this new territory.

He isn't used to me being in his face 24/7 anymore than I am used to him being in my face 24/7. He isn't used to not having nine and a half hours of structured daycare/preschool routine.  I'm not used to NOT rushing to get out the door in the morning and then rushing thru an evening routine so he gets to bed on time. I used to be very deliberate about the time I spent with him on the weekend because I got so very little time with him during the week and I wanted to have fun times of connection with my son at every opportunity.  I still do want those fun times of connection, but now I also sometimes want a little space, as does he!  So thats my goal this week: structure, routine, space, time management.  Yes, yes, I do hear the universe laughing at me, you don't need to point it out.

I got up early as if I were going to work, at 6:15 - not AS early, but still way before I expected G to wake up.  I had my water and my coffee, surfed the net briefly, then laid out our meals for the week and a grocery list that took into account my very slim budget.  Oh wine, I am going to miss you.  I made a daily list of what activities were available for us to do together for fun, a list of things that I needed to do this week, and incorporated my daughter H's work schedule because I am still a chauffeur for her, and as a single parent, I am the only one around to shoulder that responsibility too.  I stretched out some muscles that have been complaining loudly to me (at my age, lots of my muscles are complaining but these particular ones have been particularly hateful towards me of late) and when G got up, I felt mostly sane.  I let him play on his Kindle while I got his breakfast and then got my own shower and self care out of the way.  When I told him to turn off his Kindle at 10, and that it was going to be a new rule, he didn't even argue.  Hmm.  Well.  That was easy?  Yes, yes, laughing universe, I know.

Its been too hot to play outside since last week really but we did get out for a little bit today out of necessity (for the love of everything go outside and run a little kid, ok?) and that was about as exciting as it got unless you count the trip to the grocery store.   Which really, it is pretty exciting to see how far money can actually stretch!  Anyway, in the coming days, I'm aiming to see if I can pull together some sort of routine and some regular educational activities we can do either daily or weekly.  I'm sure it will be easier when it's cooler outside (and inside!) so I have plenty of time for planning.  He's already reading a little so it's not the academics I'm worried about, just the stimulation in general.  If he's bored, he's in trouble!

I am still doing last minute tasks related to getting H set up for school.  She had been living with her dad for a while and during her senior year of high school a lot of details fell thru the cracks so there is some last minute scrambling to get her registered for her classes at the local community college and sort out her schedule at work too.  H requires a lot of direction and guidance so it can be a little time consuming, and it is also another example of adjusting my expectations about how something should play out.  A lot of adjusting of my expectations.

I imagine, in my wild dreams, all of this would be easier if this were a two parent household.  (what is with all the laughing in the universe today?) Or if there was more income.  Or perhaps ANY kind of income, ha ha.  Or maybe if we weren't all three of us crammed into a one bedroom apartment. Then everything would just...flow.  Right?  It's moments like this that I sometimes feel the pull of getting back together with G's dad just for the logistics of income, space, and having another adult available to share some of the burdens...but actually I did that once before and though those things did play out in some ways, it also played out in ways that still stick with me and bruise up my heart too much.  So. We have what we have, we live where we live, and at the end of the day, everyone is tucked in safely to our nest and all seems right with the world.  You can't really buy that feeling.

I have some income prospects on the horizon, I have a meal plan and a budget, I have some amazing friends near by and a crazy supportive online community that feels as real as my 17 year long friendship with my Karen who lives 2 miles away...and I am trusting the universe to help me out, even as it laughs at me. A sense of humor is important after all!  It already is proving itself in caring for us - I mean, the lizard is still alive, so there's that!

Onward to day 7 and a wild plan for the library and Lego Club!

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